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photograph by Ksenia Belash

Hanna Varga is a Hungarian-born sculptor based in the UK, currently living and working in rural Derbyshire. She defines herself as a nature artist whose creative practice is informed by regular close contact with the landscape. In her work she nurtures her relationship with nature through traditional craftsmanship.

She is best known for her bronze leaf sculptures. Ashleaf is the small art practice she co-founded in London in 2015, dedicated to preserving leaves in bronze using the ancient lost-wax-casting technique. Her work was featured in various exhibitions throughout the UK and internationally. She started a podcast to record inspiring conversations with other creative practitioners called Dialogues with Nature in 2019 which later served as a catalyst for the Dialogues with Nature Network, an experimental international community of naturalists.

walking lantern is the online pseudonym of Hanna Varga. This website wears the name of her online username on instagram @walkinglantern represents an attempt to create a dedicated corner of the internet to home her creative endeavours and projects in one place.

This website is expanding regularly to include the breadth and depth of art projects she has been involved with over the past 12 years, the ones that are currently under development, and those she is dreaming about starting work on.

Hanna is a member of the a-n, the Aldeburgh Art Club, Heritage Crafts and the Peaks and Plains Fibreshed.

She spent the end of 2023 on an art residency in Cromarty in the Scottish Highlands here before moving to the Hope Valley in the Peak District where she is now based.